
The Secret Garden

Hello everyone.
Sorry for so few updates this week. Stuff happened and didn't happen!
I went for a job interview on Thursday, for which I got the job. On Friday I was meant to meet a model that I hadn't worked with before. I waited for almost 2 hours and she never turned up. I've tried contacting her too and still nothing. I was meant to meet a different model today but she cancelled on me this morning. At least she was nice enough to let me know early.

So no real out and about photos today I'm afraid. Instead it's photos from the garden! YAY! I do love doing Macro photography.

I start full-time on Monday so I have to re-arrange with another model that I had booked in for a week on Monday. I will most likely be reducing posts to one a week depending on how much I am working that week.

Take care

Fiona xx


Going Backwards

As I gave you all 2 posts already last week and as the weekend post is late, I though I would look back on how far I've come in photography thus far.
Also I don't think there will be any post during the week as I don't have any photo shoot plans till Friday (and that might have to be moved if I get this job at Waterstones.)

So 25th December 2010, I got my GE X5 Bridge Camera. It needed 4 AA batteries to work and weighed what felt like a ton. That is where my photography started though.

You can already tell I had an interest in Macro (but I couldn't get anything like lens for the bridge camera) I took photos of everything that interested me. (I still do!)

This was when I started to look at setting up photographs more (well not this the top one, that was random find in a park) As my GE camera claimed to have a manual mode (which it didn't) I tried to use that but it was no different from using the regular modes! I also started playing with photoshop on Photographs early on.

I tried playing with long exposures somewhat on my GE and it kind of worked but was very annoying. The photographs at this stage aren't something I'm proud of any more but I really was at the time.

So. The end of May came along and I bought my Nikon D3000. I was like a kid in a toy shop, shooting photos of everyone and everything. I had ordered my macro filter pretty much right away knowing that I would use it a lot.

This whole time I have had a major interest in flowers and I think I always will. They are things I always enjoy looking at

And then my Macro arrived! the best thing I have ever bought.

These are still some of my fave photos, even before I learnt to use my Manual mode for real. I like flowers and colours and the beach was something new for me. I did feel rather silly sitting on the beach with a camera and a bunch of objects when it was so bloody windy!

At this point I was back home and trying to set up photos again. I wanted to limit the amount of editing I did. Or at Least make it nicer rather than boom! In your face.

And then I did my shoot with Charlotte. That really boosted my confidence to go and try and find more people to do photo shoots with (I know have 3 lined up with different models and some more still being arranged) I know I over edited some of these photos but at the time I was over exposing them anyway!

Then I did my photography course. I feel now that I understand how my camera works better and I am much more confident in using it!

I hope you can all see where I started and what I'm able to do now. I'm going to invest in a new lens soon when I have the money for it.
Till next week! (most likely)




It takes two, baby.

What's this? Another update so soon?! My god it is!

Yes, I went out today and took my camera along and I'm really glad I did. I met up with Rachel, we chatted about camera's and wondered round Manchester for like 2 hours just taking photos.

I started my trip at the train station. I've been wanting to take some at the train station for a while. Using the lines. It's not normally something I take photo's of so I'm not fully happy with these ones but I like this one enough.

After meeting up and walking round for an age, we took some founds by Urbis, I never realized how much water and fountains there were back there!

I had a really good day and it was good to get out and about. Job hunt isn't going so great so at least i managed to get out for a bit to take my mind of things

Also, i know this is a terrible photo but I wanna show you what I'm up to next

Yes I am making Mini Origami Stars! This was my very first attempt. Not too bad if I say so myself

Fiona xx


Oh Brother

So after a few days of sorting things out, like signing on at the job center and job hunting, I finally went out with my camera.
I decided to drag my brother along to help me today. It went OK. It wasn't something he had done before so I was doing most of the directing. It was an interesting experience to say the least. I tried to keep the photos somewhat natural unlike my shoot with Charlotte where I edited every photo to the extreme. There is one that is clearly edited a lot but you'll be able to tell that one. I managed to use my skills that I have learnt

Yes I also took photos of nature while we were out, so expect some more macro flowers in this post!

Been trying to get a photo of a bee for ages and I think this one turned out ok :D

And lastly one of the paths of Bramhall Park in all it's glory.

Well I am hoping to get out again to take some more pictures but it not, don't fear! I will still have an update for you at the weekend.




Well I have been a bit busy the end of this week. I took some photos on Thursday which I didn't get chance to upload before I left for Sunderland yesterday

It was my photo for the ShareArt contest on DA. I don't expect to win anything but it'll be my first time giving it a go :D I would have liked to have done something will people but what can you do.

So yesterday I went to Sunderland, as mentioned. This was for my graduation :D This post is going to be mainly about that (hey, it does say in the about me bit that this blog is also about my life generally in photos!) Just so you know, I didn't take these photos, Ciaran did.

This is where we had the graduation, The Stadium of Light in Sunderland.

This is me shaking hands with the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor.

All smiles after meeting up with my family again

Me, my parents and brother

Me and my best friend, Louise

Maybe Ciaran has the talent to do photography too, I really like this photo. Even if I am pulling a really stupid face :D

Yes. My friends are a little weird.

And my dad is a ninja at photo bombing.

I hope to be able to get some more photos next week to post, hopefully wanting to post on a Thursday and Sunday. But weeks where I'm not taking photos then I will hopefully write about something interesting! I hope you all stick around to look and read!
