
Bramhall Park Ducks

So I was off work today and kinda bored.
I don't have many friends around these parts and I didn't have any models for this part of the week coz my hours had been shifted around somewhat

I decided I was going to go to Bramhall Park, then decided I couldn't be bothered. Then decided I might as well as otherwise I wouldn't have done any exercise today at all. I don't want my day's off to be too lazy

All the duckings were nearly fully grown. I did see them not long after they were born but they have lost most of their fluff now. There were also LOADS of geese about too. A lot of them sleeping.
I wondered around for about an hour overall, camera in hand, getting strange looks as usual. I went armed with my new 55mm-200mm lens and of course my macro filter. I'm glad I took my macro as I finally found a ladybird to take photos of! I've been trying to look out for them and had no look up to that point. I also saw a squirrel but it was just that little bit too fast and dark where I was stood so all the photos came out dark. Maybe I'll get lucky next time.

As usual lots of flower shots and flower macro shots. I want to shoot as much of flowers as possible because summer is quickly coming to a close. Everything is dying which is sad but that's just how things are. I'm not looking forward to winter though. Work is going to be not so fun if it snows considering I rely on trains to get to work. Anyway I'm getting a little ahead of myself there
Last but not least have a photo of some headphones. Not mine by the way, they were randomly there but I though it would make a nice photo, framed by white of the gate they were on


Avoiding The Rain

Most of my Blog titles seem to have rain in them or related to rain. The joys of living in Manchester I suppose.

So today. Today I was meeting a model I hadn't met before. The past two times I have tried to this, it hasn't worked so I was hoping third time lucky. Lucky indeed. 
After re-arranging the time and me not being very clear about which Starbucks, we met. It is a very different experience to photograph with someone you don't know. There was only so much I could talk about without feeling that I was being intrusive. I wanted it be casual and comfortable. I think I did ok with that. We had a bit of a laugh and I know I enjoyed the experience. 

Even if builders kept getting in the way. Some of the places were over-run with them and we didn't really want to shoot there. In the end though we went to 3 different locations. The first 2 were easy, ones I had planned (part of one being blocked off for building work though) The third one was after a lot of wondering around. Which doesn't make me look all that great. Everything comes down to problem solving.

The second location was the most successful I think. I got a handful of good photos. I had to do a bit of editing on the third locations photos lighting. A massive black cloud was hanging over us and meaning that even correct exposure photos were coming out quite dark.

Luckily though we avoided the rain. Just. I though we would get caught in a downpour but I left Manchester before there was one. I had some splats hit me on the way home from the train station but that was it. Which is kinda ashamed because I had a new umbrella. A Narnia umbrella that I got with my HMV pure points.




Fairy Dust

I wish I was taking more photos that came out well. I either don't have the time or I haven't found anything interesting.

Again these are from my home, in the garden and inside.

I should be meeting a model on the 18th but I'm making a post now in case something goes wrong and I don't get any more chance before next week to take any more photos.

Back to playing with bubble wrap like some of my old macro photography. Small bubbles give a nicer effect than the larger ones I've been using today. Bonus of the larger ones is I have more of them.

So enjoy silly photos of a bottle of fairy magic and my silly cat.



Drops of Rain

Not so much sunshine today.

Lots of rain instead. And because of the looting and destruction in Manchester last night I haven't gone out today. I was going to go to Manchester today with my camera coz it's my day off but the weather didn't really help either. So while I was sat watching tv I decided as it had stopped raining for a bit that I would do some indoor macro photography. So I got a mirror to try and reflect some more light and I wanted to play with the effects that can be used.

Not many images today as I don't have many things to take photos of indoors.

Sorry for the lack of uploads, being busy with work and days off being rainy hasn't helped at all. I'm meeting a model next week and one the week after in Manchester, assuming everything is over with the looting etc. I'm working a 24 hour week this week, 18 hour week next week and a 20hour week the week after so quite busy. Can't wait to get paid on the 19th. I shall be buying a Nikon 55-200mm lens which will hopefully replace my standard kit lens altogether. I don't know when I will next update so you'll all just have to wait and see!

