
Busy Busy Busy

So it's been a while since I took photos. I know! Sorry!

It's been work work work at the moment but I took some photos at my mum's birthday of her amazing cake. I then went to Sheffield with my camera, finally!

This is me reflected in a giant metal orb with water flowing over it. You can find them near The Winter Garden's in Sheffield.

This building was just amazing. Hidden out of view of the main streets. It almost looks like some crazy object rather than a HUGE building. I think it's one of my favourite photos of this blog post.

I don't know how this flower is just surviving but it is. In a barren small park in Sheffield city centre. I love how the colour stands out against the murky dead plants in the background.

I don't think I'll have any more photos till after Christmas and/or New Year so Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!




From Sheffield to home

A bunch of semi-recent photos. Some from my Camera and some from my phone, so sorry for the bad quality!

Capturing the fog as I left Sheffield and was sat on the train home. At one point I couldn't see anything except the bit of track next to the train. 

My lovely cat being silly. He loves to play and this is like a hiding place for him. I find it amusing that you can't see his eyes either.

This just made me laugh SO much. The Nerd in me, anyways. Operation GOTHAM. Sorry, is Stockport waiting for Batman to save the day? I just found it so funny.

Trying to capture the sheer amount of rain falling in Stockport. Failed because again this was on my phone. You can see how the ground is though!

This! OMG this! I saw this and I nearly let out a squee like a small child! You put money on the fish plate and when the cat thinks your not looking, it'll swipe it into the box. It's just too cute

My current list of books to read. Click on the image to go to my blog that talks about books!

Sorry for lack of photos but I'm hoping to take my camera to Sheffield next time I go (I know I said that last time but I WILL this time)




Take a walk on the wild side

Well, not really the wild side, it was Lyme Park.

Yes, I have photographs! Only been nearly a month since I got the chance to. My parents decided to go for a walk and I went with them along with my camera. I still need to use up my film camera but not sure what to take photos of for that.

I was trying for ages to get a photo of the light coming through the clouds and I like how this one turned out 

Not many photos because I wanted to keep up and the light wasn't great so a lot of them came out blurred anyway. Not my best photos either but these are just a selection from the 60 I took.

I hopefully will have 2 photos shoots with models in the new year as I don't really have time right now. I need to time to find a new place to shoot photos too.

Take care everyone and hopefully i'll come back with some more photos in December.




Away we go!

I'm really sorry that I haven't been keeping up as much with my photography as much as I would have liked.

Things have been a bit mad with shifts changing at work and going to stay with my other half in Sheffield. He moved last week.

This means I haven't been able to fit in much time for going out to take photos or arrange photo shoots (I am working on it though, I promise)

As I write and read more than I take photos at the moment (because I do it on the move to work and to Sheffield either on my tab or with an actual book) I have created a blog that will run beside this one that is all about what I love to red and write. Reviews of books and snippets of my new writings :D

I hope you can all forgive me, I will try to take photos again soon, I promise!



I remember them

I know, I've been missing for a while from my blog. I have no real excuse other than I haven't been taking photographs lately. I have a bit more time off now so hopefully I'll get to take some more soon!

I went on a day trip to York yesterday (already feels like ages ago) to see my much missed friends from uni. I had forgotten just how much I missed them and to be honest I found it very hard not to cry when I was going to leave.

So here is a blog post post with some of my favourite photos from the trip :D

Ryan also had his camera and was playing with lens flares so I had a go too!

I love colours of leaves and these trees had such amazing colours when the sunlight hit. Seriously, me in parks with a camera, I could spend hours there!

I'm really impressed with how this photo came out. The squirrels were very tame and we managed to get quite close.

I hope you enjoy!




Not dead, honestly!

I'm not dead! I've been busy lately so I haven't had chance to take any photos.

Here is a photo of a banner I did for work, for a book signing.


I'm seeing my girls this week so i'll have some photos then



No person has the right to rain on your dreams

'No person has the right to rain on your dreams'

I wanted a title that was related to rain without just being 'rain is horrible'. It rained pretty bad while we were out taking photos yesterday. It also meant the light to take them with was pretty much non-existent.

So I've tried to meet Laura before and we didn't have much luck. This time we managed it! We met in Victoria Station in Manchester City Center.

We had A LOT of rain. Every time we went inside to get out of the rain, the sun would come out. It got a little bit annoying. We kept going, the best we could and I think we did OK.

We started by Urbis, the water fountains weren't on though which was a bit of a shame. Would have been nice. We then had quite a think about other locations and ended up round the back streets near Aflecks. Was a bit of a walk.

As I said to Laura, I need to go explore parts of Manchester I haven't been to before for new places to shoot. I could also do with getting a flash gun to be able to shoot better under cover and in the dark (eg, when it rains because winter is coming. It's not going to get any better weather wise)

I had to edit all of the photos and some were blurry on my computer but I think we got a selection of good photos. As usual I preferred the photos I took slightly later, once I had relaxed back into taking photos. Laura was a pleasure to work with. Just a shame the rain cut us a bit short.

I would like to do some winter/wrapped up and snow photos nearer to Christmas when I next work with a model. I don't know when I'll have the chance around work. 

Fingers crossed :D

Take care
