
Reality is hard. It is no walk in the park, this thing called Life.

Reality is hard. It is no walk in the park, this thing called Life.

Oh look, It's Bramhall Park. Again. Sorry!
These were taken a week ago, the 19th. It was the same day I posted the photos from my film camera so thought I'd save these.
The sun was brilliant on the day.
I think I might be obsessed with playing with the colours in photos. Its a lot of fun and I think it can create some interesting effects

Not got much to say. Don't expect any more photos for a bit though. I do have a model who wants to do some work with me again so that'll be nice when we find a location and time.
Look forward to it!




Film Camera

You may remeber the blog entry i did that showed photos of my Olympus om10 35mm film camera  --> Here.

Well these are photos from said film. I have taken a while getting to grips with the film. Maybe the next one will have more focused photos. I took some during a photo shoot with a model but they were not very good. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy what I'm gonna show you all! :D

The first few are from my last York trip with my lovely friends.

These were taken today at Bramhall Park (yes again, I know lol) My lens has fantastic field of depth, f1.8 which looks amazing.

I've got a slightly different type of film for next time. I had a ISO200 this time which is why the ones in the sunshine came out better. I've got an ISO400 this time. I am still using it in auto and hoping I get more confidence to mess with the settings :D

I have more shots from Bramhall Park on my DSLR. Lots of geese. I'll probs save them for a blog post update during the week :D Fiona xx


Truth is the torch that gleams through the fog without dispelling it

'Truth is the torch that gleams through the fog without dispelling it.'


It's been almost a month since I've taken ANY photos. So been given the chance to go out with my camera, I couldn't say no!
I went out on a walk with my family even though it was foggy and trying to rain. It did rain quite hard a one point so I had to put my camera away.

This is my favourite photo from today.


To be honest though, considering I had to turn down my ISO to 400 I got some really good photos. I've been wanting to take fog related photos for AGES. So I was super excited and kept falling behind the group lol


You may have noticed that these photos have extra colour. I wanted to play with the colours a bit, give them some extra interest. It was a fun exercise that given the time I would like to do again.
I'm hoping to get out next weekend with the camera to a new place. I haven't decided where yet.

Enjoy this random goose stood on ice

Since the last post I have decided to not go to college for photography. I have realised that I need to keep some things a hobby for now while I work on Design related projects. I do have a couple of Writing competitions I want to enter this year too. I'm hoping I can enter some of these photos into contests too!

Wish me luck everyone!

