The bridesmaids receiving little pearl necklaces as presents.

The Groom and Best man with the rings.
So here are a selection of photos I took at the Wedding on Sunday, in order of when they were taken, it flows better that way I think.
I'll tell you a couple of things first. 1, I had only met the woman who was doing the photography once before (but she is lovely and I will totally be hiring her to mine lol) 2, I had never met the Bride before and 3, said Bride was 6 months pregnant!

The Grooms party including Best Man and Father of the Groom (far right)

The Grooms party including Best Man, Father of the Groom and Father of the Bride.
It is the weirdest thing to be at someone's wedding and not knowing anyone. I had to stay completely focused throughout and safe to say at the end of it I was shattered. We met at 10:30 but the bride wasn't ready for us till 11:30 and we photographed none stop till like 5 when we got to have some food which the party had theirs.

The Groom and Father of the Bride

I followed Amy (the photographer) round like a puppy, watching her and helping her when needed. She let me take photos from where ever I wanted while she did the main photos. This is why no-one is ever looking at my camera but I like it that way. It feels a bit more natural.

The inside was incredibly dark. So much so that I thought all my photos would be useless. Luckily shooting in Raw turned out to be a bit of a blessing. I was able to modify the images in their purest from so saving the detail.
So once I had done the major edited, I exported out and did the finer details like making the black and white with colour in photoshop.

Bride, Groom and Groom's Mother and Father

The ceremony was inside and we had photos in the bride's room and outside. It rained. Yes another blog post where I mention rain. Even Wrexham can't escape the rain it seems.

Oh yea, the guy in red is Steve, The ToastMaster. Absolutely a fantastic bloke who we had dinner with. He is lovely, seriously.

Overall it was a very good experience and one I did enjoy. I learned a lot and I hope to apply that in the future. I need to invest in a flashgun, makes indoor photography so much easier without using a camera's regular flash which is horrible!
Dunno when I'll next update