Most of my Blog titles seem to have rain in them or related to rain. The joys of living in Manchester I suppose.
So today. Today I was meeting a model I hadn't met before. The past two times I have tried to this, it hasn't worked so I was hoping third time lucky. Lucky indeed.
After re-arranging the time and me not being very clear about which Starbucks, we met. It is a very different experience to photograph with someone you don't know. There was only so much I could talk about without feeling that I was being intrusive. I wanted it be casual and comfortable. I think I did ok with that. We had a bit of a laugh and I know I enjoyed the experience.
Even if builders kept getting in the way. Some of the places were over-run with them and we didn't really want to shoot there. In the end though we went to 3 different locations. The first 2 were easy, ones I had planned (part of one being blocked off for building work though) The third one was after a lot of wondering around. Which doesn't make me look all that great. Everything comes down to problem solving.

The second location was the most successful I think. I got a handful of good photos. I had to do a bit of editing on the third locations photos lighting. A massive black cloud was hanging over us and meaning that even correct exposure photos were coming out quite dark.
Luckily though we avoided the rain. Just. I though we would get caught in a downpour but I left Manchester before there was one. I had some splats hit me on the way home from the train station but that was it. Which is kinda ashamed because I had a new umbrella. A Narnia umbrella that I got with my HMV pure points.
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