So, you can now get Instagram on Android phones. Naturally I downloaded it and now I'm obsessed with it. It is a fun little tool to work with. This is a selection of the photos I have taken using it so far:

1. I got it while in Sheffield this week and was playing with it. This was taken stood waiting fro the tram to take us back to Ciaran's flat.
2. Bored at Ciaran's flat, playing with light and glass. The only nice Glass to hand? My joke Christmas present from my sister :D
2. Bored at Ciaran's flat, playing with light and glass. The only nice Glass to hand? My joke Christmas present from my sister :D
3. A photo I already had on my phone, cropped and edited with Instagram.

4. On my way to/from work there are lots of trees that are still blooming so I've been taking as many photos as I can. This has been adding an extra 10mins to my walk home!
5. Playing with the effects Instagram has.
5. Playing with the effects Instagram has.
6. Bored waiting for my train to work. I take photos a lot when I'm bored.
7/8/9. On journey to/from work
On journey to/from work
13/14/15. Books! :D
Will update again as soon as I can! I've got a weeks holiday next week which includes a trip to Newcastle to see friends, I will have my camera! As in my proper camera.
Also you can find my under MidnightTopaz on Instagram! If anyone else has Instagram, let me know, I'd love to have a look! :D