
Take a walk on the wild side

Well, not really the wild side, it was Lyme Park.

Yes, I have photographs! Only been nearly a month since I got the chance to. My parents decided to go for a walk and I went with them along with my camera. I still need to use up my film camera but not sure what to take photos of for that.

I was trying for ages to get a photo of the light coming through the clouds and I like how this one turned out 

Not many photos because I wanted to keep up and the light wasn't great so a lot of them came out blurred anyway. Not my best photos either but these are just a selection from the 60 I took.

I hopefully will have 2 photos shoots with models in the new year as I don't really have time right now. I need to time to find a new place to shoot photos too.

Take care everyone and hopefully i'll come back with some more photos in December.




Away we go!

I'm really sorry that I haven't been keeping up as much with my photography as much as I would have liked.

Things have been a bit mad with shifts changing at work and going to stay with my other half in Sheffield. He moved last week.

This means I haven't been able to fit in much time for going out to take photos or arrange photo shoots (I am working on it though, I promise)

As I write and read more than I take photos at the moment (because I do it on the move to work and to Sheffield either on my tab or with an actual book) I have created a blog that will run beside this one that is all about what I love to red and write. Reviews of books and snippets of my new writings :D

I hope you can all forgive me, I will try to take photos again soon, I promise!



I remember them

I know, I've been missing for a while from my blog. I have no real excuse other than I haven't been taking photographs lately. I have a bit more time off now so hopefully I'll get to take some more soon!

I went on a day trip to York yesterday (already feels like ages ago) to see my much missed friends from uni. I had forgotten just how much I missed them and to be honest I found it very hard not to cry when I was going to leave.

So here is a blog post post with some of my favourite photos from the trip :D

Ryan also had his camera and was playing with lens flares so I had a go too!

I love colours of leaves and these trees had such amazing colours when the sunlight hit. Seriously, me in parks with a camera, I could spend hours there!

I'm really impressed with how this photo came out. The squirrels were very tame and we managed to get quite close.

I hope you enjoy!

