So it's been a while since I took photos. I know! Sorry!
It's been work work work at the moment but I took some photos at my mum's birthday of her amazing cake. I then went to Sheffield with my camera, finally!
This is me reflected in a giant metal orb with water flowing over it. You can find them near The Winter Garden's in Sheffield.
This building was just amazing. Hidden out of view of the main streets. It almost looks like some crazy object rather than a HUGE building. I think it's one of my favourite photos of this blog post.
I don't know how this flower is just surviving but it is. In a barren small park in Sheffield city centre. I love how the colour stands out against the murky dead plants in the background.
I don't think I'll have any more photos till after Christmas and/or New Year so Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!